Archive for the ‘technology’ Category

EEEPC, PC Fair is Coming

November 27, 2007

 yeah, it’ll be held at KLCC starting 7th. i want this SHIT! its called, eee pc.

i hate crowded places, pasar malam and cinemas are no exception. but this time, im really looking forward get the retarded eeepc. i guess you’ll see me beating an old lady to get one of this.
price? its RM1,300. it has USB, wifi, webcam, speaker, full keyboard, 7″ screen and 0.92kg. its a no brainer deal. its a VERY basic computer.
im now weighing my options, mobile or eeepc. get both? i can almost imagine, pulling out this thing for a slide presentation, blogging while tailgating an evo7 or lie to tokwan, that this is actually an alarm clock.

PayPerPost?.. anyone?

November 14, 2007

did you noticed how ‘boom’ blog is in Malaysia? my reasons are

  • we have no idea how to express our rights as Malaysian Citizen
  • we fear of ISA
  • get paid for blogging
  • or, he/she’s just an ass.

you know people like mohdsuhaimy, x5mom, mohdismail etc, these people really do earn a lot from blogging. So I studied their mechanism of money making. (actually this was done years ago, just thought you might want to know)


  • Google Adsense – it’s a no brainer. Anyone can copy and paste the script.
  • TextAdslinks – similar to Google Adsense, but worthless! The requirement is very high e.g. your Google PR must be 5 and above.
  • Nuffnang – young at heart (and age) these guys try to serve ads for local flavors. Aint that easy you know.
  • Advertlets – Malaysia’s first ads serving for blog. But still, I don’t see anything good for bloggers. Also Nuffnang’s biggest barrier.

Sponsored Post

  • PayPerPost – while making myself feel stupid, I get paid! LoL. I registered for an account because I wanted to test the system and “feel” the workflow. Also, like a cat, curious 😉

Sadly, blogosphere is frustrating by the day. new users sign up, writing about crap (just like me) and some for profiteering. The ones I follow are politics, gadgets and web technology.

Facebook Make Web Developers Look Cheap

November 8, 2007

i dont really like to talk about the ‘ever great’ facebook. but people everywhere is screaming for them. why?
  • utilization of AJAX – dude, its 2002 technology. prada site is better.
  • social networking – great application, but failed to attract my attention. put it this way, would you rather share your interest over the net or a mamak stall?
  • for the ‘geeks’ – let me ask you, can you get laid over the net? hardly!
the thing about the title, Mshit sponsored $400mil for application development, 2% of facebook total value. so how much is facebook? $20BILLION!! why? remember you keyed in your birthday, location, occupation, school, interest etc, so THEY CAN TARGET BUYERS with specific information. that being said, anything is possible.

not only they make me look cheap, but your salary (RM 1.8k to 6k) look like free chili sauce/kethup at McD (maybe salt).

cool fact? nah, just another infestation.

and so Lagi

November 6, 2007

It will train you and give you a job in the Managed Portal Services (MPS) project, which involves the maintainance and upgrading of the 102 state government and 471 federal government websites.

Skali announced that it was awarded the six-year project, which is worth RM258mil, on Wednesday and has openings for 4,000 graduates in its training programme.

well, i was bummed to see get the whole government sector. so lets do some math!

Per month Per department maintenance = 258mil /(102 + 471)(6*12) = RM 6253!

lets see what i can do with a RM6253,

  • buy new IBM laptop or Apple Tablet
  • umrah trip
  • fly to london and bring 2 of my ‘ehem2’ friends
  • pay 3 staffs salary
  • hire hannah tan or stephanie chia for 2 hours
  • register 100 enterprises at SSM
  • 10 x Gen2 Monthly installment
  • buy 62,530 bottles of asam taik hidung, war stock.

Graduates per site = 4,000/(102+471) = 6.9 person. being the 0.9, kesian, kene cincang.
Hence, RM6253/6.9=RM 906 = graduates salary.


  1. is 4,000 graduates too much? how bout their workstations?
  2. RM906 for salary is enough? then forget about astro, car etc.. naik honda cup je.
  3. RM 6253 per month is a lot. I only charge 10k at most, that being one time, training and support for a year.
  4. will the government site still be hackable? or you still have to download PDF and Docs to browse their page?
  5. dont you think this is stupid?

i thought so too. spread the disease…

Whats the Fuzz About

September 16, 2007

“gua caya sama lu!” thats the tag line. corny but i like it. this is a flame post. go away if you think im being silly.

i heard over the radio, so i told myself, “hey, why not i give it a lookie”. the first thing i did when i got to my lappie, i keyed in ““…

wah la~ and error POOPed out. oh ok, maybe they are still fixing it. i corrected my url and hit enter. the correct url is

Hey Marion ~(would you like to travel to panama with me?) as much as they would like to target teens (or teen-like-adults), this is simply too much. look at it! its hideous, preposterous! have they ever thought that its sooo late 90’s design? this is just like the layout korn had in 99. babe, move to web2.0 ala facebook style please. again i give an ample space to improve..

so i clicked over to AMBER CHIA. yummy~ (no way a 24 year old male can resist her). while waiting for page to load i grabbed cookies and milk, it was super slow! upon my return, i faced this error. goodness, i am a web developer, im updated with all these latest tools and gadgets but THIS? ohoo.. maybe i just dont have a flash player (!), i might as well get a dvd player while im at it.
and the final part, a bit technical though, but this is definitely not the way to code. its neither SEO nor SEF, search engine cannot find you. it’s open for threat, hacking is so much easier if everything is displayed. it should be like this (below), looking like a dumb .html, but actually .php extension. to any developer, this is the first thing to look into before anything else.

nontheless, you have my utmost respect for being able to air and market on the media network, as expected of media primas sub. also respect for the up coming shamefulness you will receive.

why am i pissed?well, maybe because i DIDNT get the job! anyway, its a good exercise before i start my project (showcasing all the mistakes and bad designs of malaysian web!) ouch, thats gotta hurt.

AJAX Application

August 23, 2007

Disclaimer: If you dont want to know whats hot from the web oven, feel free to skip this post.

You’ve probably heard about AJAX or WEB 2.0. They are the one behind myspace, digg, prada, friendster etc and many more. Ajax is not a programming language but actually is. Its a combination of both. Its like HTML. Many argue that its a programming language, to me, it never will be. It’s too easy.

What it does?
AJAX plans to work like your desktop application. The part where its fast, clickable and draggable etc. thats not ‘it’. its actually more than that. a normal website requires you to click around, wait for the page to load and wahla.. another never ending page. Ajax works to bring you the data before clicking it. Whilst the speed of internet is getting faster, Ajax plans to use the bandwidth lesser. it uses less resource compared to java applet, faster than flash and most importantly, CROSS OVER PLATFORM. so it doesnt matter what IE or firefox you use, it’ll work.

How does it help your life?
Ever complain about not enough time? Ajax is the answer. faster than anything else. it simplifies everything. each application is design to give you ease of use. forget about user-friendly, its what i call, childs-play.

The future
Ajax is the future of web. its fantastic. you look at it, you go WOW. Lord of Motherf***** or something like that (at least i would). if you know nuts about html, you better start learning now, at least a piece or two. seriously you need to. (im ashamed to say, im better at reading raw html than the Qoran)

My Plan
I have been thinking about it 2-3 years ago. but somehow these past few months caught me. my workload is like crazy, i have meetings everywhere, my money is short, client havent issued payment, junior asking for job, mom & dad sending me to umrah, adek wants to wrestler with me before bed.. its madness. i came across my black notebook with white cows on it, i realized i have noted so many great ideas from the past (when i was pretty much sane). one of it was, a friendster and myspace clone. there was one point where, “you have to pass this message around if dont want your friendster account to close”.. you know, that kinda crap. their earning are from ADVERTISEMENT get it you numb nuts.

XXXXX dot whatever..
just like my many other site like kahwin2u, tazqirah, mckk9600, they are just my flagship to challenge myself and test my-self-developed marketing techniques. all 3 website are doing very well, average hit a month about 3000 unique users altogether. thats a lot.

Next Project
I dont have a name for this project (feel free to suggest the name), but ive already started working on it. Features include MP3 DOWNLOADS, RINGTONES,VIDEO STREAM, BLOG and PHOTOBLOG also FOOD RECIPE! (somehow im gasping for breath when caps). its not cool actually. i copied the ideas of others. no good idea. i was hoping for someone to give some wicked meaningless name like nike, zookuda, meebo but reflects malaysia. oklah. till then.

Why 3G is Not Important, But Also Important

August 15, 2007

we’ve been stressed out by our local telco. cheap lah this plan. ours only 15 cent. this telco cheat people. i mean wtf? marketing is not about brushing people off your shoulder. heck i know, i can sell RM1 per minute and still get subscribers. why? thats for business students to answer, im just making that one up 😉

anyway, there’s this thing called 3G, is it good? how so? well.. let me just.. on the fly.


  • for org pekak/bisu to communicate via video call
  • for business or anyone to stay connected (internet)
  • for freakshow – so that we could position ourselves on the globe (tell me about it..)
  • tu je kot?

Not Important

  • introduces cost to telcos, which in return we pay for the service and hardware by slow falling of telco services rates.
  • introduces cost to MCMC, we paid tax right.. so thats where our money went.
  • we have EDGE. people say edge its slower, wrong! although EDGE has lower bandwidth compared to 3G, its still outperforms 3G anyday.
  • yehaa we have 3G too. crap.. fix the goddamn tmnet first!
  • Go WiMax. often foreigners come to malaysia with lappies, and not 3G phones. they need connectivity for WiMax not 3G, dumbass. germans only use nokia3310! they only need to call and sms, for other things, they use a laptop!


  • klang valley has 3G, my house has too, but my room, NO.
  • penang has 3G, but the line connects and disconnects so often that i gave up using 3G
  • digi will not be approved to use 3G, thats why they are bombarding the nation with their cheaper plans. (correct me if im wrong)
  • 3G contributes to global warming. heat from 3G servers. video calls = shorter battery life = frequent charging = electricity = more charcoal burning. LOL
  • 3G contributes immoral acts. horny people phone-sex using 3G other than webcams.
  • 3G infrastructure is very slloooooooooooooooow. how long did it take to penetrate kelantan? 2 years? although known to be packed mase raye, still sluggish?
  • RM10million is needed per 3G tower (more or less). who gets the profit? spread out evenly? the company even declared loss at the end of the year.. gile ke ape?

ok la. mase utk bace samurai X 😉

New Phone Under RM2K

August 15, 2007
mache and fadli (also iqhbal) are seriously looking forward to get PDA phone. i myself am not sure about the hype. so i did some googling, lowyating, mypdacafeing, gsmarenaing and cnetasiaing. it came down to 3 hours, and i have yet to find my best bet. so i decided to draw a little mindmap (in case i get lost and overlooked at some details).

the contender was pretty easy at first, but as i dwell into the inner secrets and technical review as well as user’s ive come up with the following conclusion. things to look forward to, below 2K, WIFI, MSOffice Editing, Browsing, Qwerty interface or touch pad.

1. Sony Ericsson – P990i: they say it is the best. it cost about RM1k++ has wifi, 3G, browser and many more. it looks rugged and means business but it has memory drainage problem. 64MB for RAM is old fashioned. can only view MSoffice.

2. SonyEricsson – P1: now the brother wants to kick ass but too bad, has the same leaky memory problem although shipped with 128MB RAM. it may work well in a few months time, after that, it gets complicated. its shipped with bugs from the predecessor. can only VIEW MSoffice. Priced at RM1.8K

3. Nokia – e61: I’ve been on and off nokia since the 3310, but i always go back SE as my solace. the good: qwerty keyboard, wifi, big screen, very stable, highly recommended. the bad: no touchy screen =( almost impossible to drive and type sms. a tag of RM1.6k

4. Dopod – 818Pro: very old fashioned hardware. its 3 years since its launch, so dont expect dopod to do something about the battery. everything can, except no 3G. looks girly though RM1.6k

5. Dopod – M700: the slimmest design. everything in except for 3G connectivity. users allover asia are very well satisfied with this phone. RM1.6k

6. Nokia – 9300i: the meanest contender for today, a communicator. does everything, but no 3G and touchy screen. its humongous. wont fit in your back pocket. and when you’re talking on the phone, it looks like youre holding your shoe next to your face. nevertheless, highly rated for on-the-go peeps. RM1.2k

ah.. this is the sad part. as much as i would like to defy the significance of a bmw and a merc, id go for audi anyday. same as today, id go back to SEk750 anyday. why? you can accidentally throw out of the window when making u turns (it still works like charm), never hangs, leave at shop and buy a new one (its cheap), excellent photo, reliable buddy and best of all, its sturdy. good for the likes of me, throwing everything at the wall when in vain.

The Bet
if i dont have a clear decision, i wont recommend anything to my friends. so guys, looks like we’re in for a long wait. or.. lets just use the money to fly to thai?