Archive for the ‘training’ Category

and so Lagi

November 6, 2007

It will train you and give you a job in the Managed Portal Services (MPS) project, which involves the maintainance and upgrading of the 102 state government and 471 federal government websites.

Skali announced that it was awarded the six-year project, which is worth RM258mil, on Wednesday and has openings for 4,000 graduates in its training programme.

well, i was bummed to see get the whole government sector. so lets do some math!

Per month Per department maintenance = 258mil /(102 + 471)(6*12) = RM 6253!

lets see what i can do with a RM6253,

  • buy new IBM laptop or Apple Tablet
  • umrah trip
  • fly to london and bring 2 of my ‘ehem2’ friends
  • pay 3 staffs salary
  • hire hannah tan or stephanie chia for 2 hours
  • register 100 enterprises at SSM
  • 10 x Gen2 Monthly installment
  • buy 62,530 bottles of asam taik hidung, war stock.

Graduates per site = 4,000/(102+471) = 6.9 person. being the 0.9, kesian, kene cincang.
Hence, RM6253/6.9=RM 906 = graduates salary.


  1. is 4,000 graduates too much? how bout their workstations?
  2. RM906 for salary is enough? then forget about astro, car etc.. naik honda cup je.
  3. RM 6253 per month is a lot. I only charge 10k at most, that being one time, training and support for a year.
  4. will the government site still be hackable? or you still have to download PDF and Docs to browse their page?
  5. dont you think this is stupid?

i thought so too. spread the disease…

Losing Weight 10kg Naturally

September 18, 2007

lets stick to my norm about noktahhitam, its all ABOUT ME.

i have a friend who weighs over 100kg but now he’s down to 70 plus kg. losing 30% in about 6 months, naturally. how is that possible? eating right and working out. continue reading..

Eating Right

  • no carb means NO CARB. carbohydrate comes in many flavors, bread, rice, noodles, spaghetti etc. just avoid all of them. yes, ALL. i know for malays its hard to resist the tender substance of rice. yumm~
  • start with protein. these will be chickens, beef and fish. dont over do! eating a whole grill chicken is equivalent to 2 serving of rice. so be moderate.
  • diet means you dont have to starve to lose weight. instead of eating 3 meals a day, split into 5. this will increase your metabolism hence burn more fat, even when youre walking.
  • get more from veggies. the bitter taste doesnt really go well with everything. but you’ll learn to like it.
  • no oil, no cholesterol, no SUGAR. its a drastic change, im still not accustomed to it.
  • cooking – grill, steam & raw. boiling and frying is meaningless.

remember, eat to live not live to eat.

Working Out

  • no time to work out? same here. its just an excuse everybody makes.
  • high & quick reps, light weight dumbbells – for the fat and obese
  • low & slow reps, heavy weight dumbbells – fairly important when toning muscles
  • run. start off with 1km per day, increase 500m weekly, you dont want to shock your body. in 3 months time, you’ll be able to run 10km like nothing. i guarantee.

FAQs of Eating Right and Working Out

  1. any side effects from avoiding carb? yes. you will hurt your kidney. meat causes your kidney to work harder. but who said this diet plan is for a lifetime?
  2. how long will i see effect? 3 months minimum.
  3. will i grow muscle? men yes, female no. female dont produce testosterone as much as guys. sometimes your ‘bat wings’ grow bigger because your muscle is pushing your fat out. in 3 months, it will reduce.
  4. how much will i lose? depending on the diet. if you are strict and on daily basis, you can lose upto 20%.
  5. why do i yawn when i work out? your fat is burning and its telling your body, ‘this is not right, please stop’. since fat is unwanted, go to hell with whatever it says.
  6. i cant afford to eat western everyday! dont lose weight then. do it when you have enough cash to sustain your lifestyle.
  7. is this something you created yourself? sadly no. its a compilation of methods, the “eating right method”credit goes to mache.
  8. how sure are you about this? i tried and lost 10kgs in 2 months.
  9. are you a qualified dietitian? nope. but i did learn biology ;p
  10. why do you want to lose weight? i want to run faster.

thats about it 😉

i need new wardrobes! im down to 30-31 inch from 35 inch.

Coming Down to A Fever

May 21, 2007
fever haunts me every 8months. this time its a bit early. it must be the finger, hurts like mad. inflammatory ape jadah tah. abaw or any medical student mesti reti explain. for me, im in for the pain. Yeay! (i love physical pain!)

today and tomorrow im attending National Achievers Congress 2007. yeah, big word. personally i think the speakers are a bunch of show offs. of course we’d learn some, but we’d have to buy their stuff to know more. i did a bit of note taking and i promise to share it later.

in the mean time, let me enjoy my runny nose, broken finger and head ache. em.. im loving it!

ps: byk kojo tok siap la-i ni.